Simplifying Food Safety. EnSURE® Touch is the next generation ATP and environmental monitoring system. Designed to work like your smartphone, it effortlessly provides you with rapid and accurate data to support your food safety program.
EnSURE Touch adapts to your workplace and is built with you in mind. Whether you’re new to food safety or if you’ve been here a while, EnSURE Touch helps make everything a little bit easier.
Innovation at Your Fingertips
Quick Test Run a test in two touches
Sync Wirelessly sync data to SureTrend Cloud
Plans Easily group, schedule, and randomize testing locations to ensure sampling coverage.
Retest Swipe through failed tests and instantly run re-tests to show the effectiveness of corrective action.
Locations Create & edit test points with custom fields and pass/fail limits on the go.
Calibration Verify calibration in just a few taps without having to send back to manufacturer.
Users Manage access with password protection and roles.
Settings Customize settings for language, custom fields, and test types.
Search Quickly find the location or plan you’re looking for.
Enzymes Test and show results for Alkaline Phosphatase and Acid Phosphatase.
Results & Reports Easily view testing results and trend analysis.
MicroSnap® Test and show results for Coliforms, E. coli, Enterobacteriaceae, and Total Viable Count.
How can it help?
Verify sanitation in 10 seconds
Keep food safety data in one place
Make audits easier
Compare the effectiveness of sanitation procedures
Objectively prove standards have been met
Communicate success with insightful reports
Identify problem areas
Provide on-the-spot training and feedback
Meet FSMA, GFSI, and ISO standards
Protect brand reputation
Reduce risk of food poisoning, facility closure, and product recalls
Lower food safety costs by bringing testing in-house
Provide evidence of due diligence – HACCP
Optimize processes and limit down-time
Makes environmental monitoring as easy as using a smartphone
The AOAC Research Institute, one of the world’s most recognizable product certification organizations, issued its Performance Tested Method SM certificate to UltraSnap® Surface ATP Tests for use with the EnSURE Touch.
Size: 7″ x 3″ x 1″ Weight: 0.7 lbs Sensitivity: <1 femtomole of ATP Memory: 2GB internal + cloud storage Connectivity: USB or Wi-Fi Language: Supports multiple languages Battery: Rechargeable Lithium-Ion battery with USB-C charging*
* Battery life varies based on use and configuration
Always Up-To-Date Always Backed Up Always Encrypted
SureTrend Cloud is an easy-to-use online data analysis platform that syncs wirelessly with EnSURE Touch to unite testing data and bring it to life. It enables users to monitor testing results and manage user access across multiple facilities, making risk management easier than ever.
Features & Benefits:
Easy-to-use & intuitive – no training required
Web-based platform – no software downloads needed
Unite multiple types of food safety data in one place
Invite colleagues and assign roles to increase collaboration, accountability, and organizational buy-in and provide greater visibility into food safety program
Interactive dashboard gives a birds-eye-view of overall testing performance
Ready to use reports save time, custom reports add extra detail & personalization
New capabilities added regularly via seamless and automatic software updates – no need to call IT
Unlimited data and storage – complimentary startup costs
Easily manage one or hundreds of instruments from one account
Track re-tests to discover opportunities for retraining or identify equipment that may need replacing
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